Frequently Asked Questions

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Updated on 2025

In this section we answer the most frequently asked questions we receive about our course. However, if you do not find here the answer you are looking for in this list, please feel free to contact us directly.

We will be more than happy to assist you.

Yes, our course is adapted to the Food Information Law (Allergens), EU Regulation 1169/2011, which is compulsory since 13th December 2014.

Yes, our Food Handler Certificate is a high risk type and covers the following sectors: hostelry, preparation, manufacturing, transformation, processing, packaging, storage, transport, distribution, supply, and food service.

Yes, our course includes information and best recommended practices when handling food in order to reduce the amount of acrymalide on our foods, as recommended by WHO and the EU.

Yes, after the expiration date (4 years) of the old certification / card (now Food Hygiene Certificate), it is recommended to renew it as it may be considered invalid.

In addition, it is very likely that your previous certification / card does not include the compulsory training on Allergens (Food Information Law – EU 1169/2011) which came into effect in December 2014.

Yes to both questions. Our certificate is 100% legal and is issued in accordance with the applicable law. We are a legally constituted training academy with years of experience and thousands of students trained.

We are not a website that appears and disappears, leaving you with a worthless certificate not backed by a real academy.

You will receive our Certificate instantly in your email when you pay by credit card or Paypal account. And, if you wish, we can also send it to your home in full colour by post.

If you pay by bank transfer or deposit into an account, the Certificate will be sent to your email address as soon as we receive confirmation from the bank (about 24 hours)*.

* If you send us proof of payment by email or WhatsApp, we will send you the Certificate immediately.

Yes, you can take our course and exam for free (as many times as you want). Once you have passed the exam, if you want us to send you your 100% legal and accredited certificate, you can have it for 18€ only (VAT included).

We will send it to you instantly by email and, if you wish, also by regular post within a few days.

Our Certificate is valid for both Spain and the rest of EU and has no expiration date. However, we recommend renewing it every 4 years.

No problem. We do not charge for sending you a duplicate. Simply call or email us and we will email a copy back to you for free.

Anyway, you can always access your Certificate for printing or downloading. Just use the email we sent you when you paid for the Certificate.

Payment can be made instantly by credit card or Paypal. You can also pay by bank transfer or deposit from any bank account. Our bank account is ES36 2100 7040 8113 0002 4990 (Caixabank).

Yes, the payment is 100% secure. The whole process of payment is done through a secure connection (SSL), encrypted both on our servers and Stripe / Paypal.

Our servers use SSL (green padlock) technology to reinforce payment security. Moreover, Paypal is the most secure and widespread form of online payment today.

You don’t need it. When you reach the payment page, just choose Pay by Credit Card or, if you choose Papal, just click on the link that says ‘Don’t you have a Paypal account?’ and follow the simple steps.

Our bank account is ES36 2100 7040 8113 0002 4990 (Caixabank). You can make a transfer or deposit to our account from any bank.

Yes, we do. For more information about our discounts, contact us directly and we will explain the rates and how they work. It’s very simple.

Why take the course with us?

We are a legally constituted training academy.
We are endorsed by the satisfaction of thousands of students and institutions.
Our learning system is the fastest and easiest.
You get your Certificate in card and diploma format instantly.
Our payment method is 100% secure.
Our courses are elaborated by highly qualified professionals.
We are registered at the AEPD (spanish Data Protection Agency).
We do not sell your personal data to third parties.
We are available to you monday to friday from 9 am to 21 pm.

More courses

More information

Food Standards Agency
Codex Alimentarius at FAO
European Food Safety Authority
WikiPedia - Food Safety


We use 256 bit SSL encryption technology to guarantee the security of our website. You are safe with us.


Food Safety Card in Spanish