No registration required. Just read the lessons and take the online test.
Try to pass our online test as soon as you feel ready to test your knowledge.
Request your own valid certificate once you have passed the test. Get it instantly.
Valid at European level. Elaborated according to European regulations.
Once you request your certificate, you receive it instantly in your email.
In addition, you pay nothing until you finish the course and pass the exam. Guaranteed.
Our certificate is multi-sectoral. This means that it is valid for all industries.
Designed according to high-risk guidelines. No need for an additional certificate.
Features latest content on allergens and acrylamide. Updated: February 2025.
Yes, our course is adapted to the Food Information Law (Allergens), EU Regulation 1169/2011, which is compulsory since 13th December 2014.
Yes, our Food Handler Certificate is a high risk type and covers the following sectors: hostelry, preparation, manufacturing, transformation, processing, packaging, storage, transport, distribution, supply, and food service.
Yes, our course includes information and best recommended practices when handling food in order to reduce the amount of acrymalide on our foods, as recommended by WHO and the EU.
Yes, after the expiration date (4 years) of the old certification / card (now Food Hygiene Certificate), it is recommended to renew it as it may be considered invalid.
In addition, it is very likely that your previous certification / card does not include the compulsory training on Allergens (Food Information Law – EU 1169/2011) which came into effect in December 2014.
Yes to both questions. Our certificate is 100% legal and is issued in accordance with the applicable law. We are a legally constituted training academy with years of experience and thousands of students trained.
We are not a website that appears and disappears, leaving you with a worthless certificate not backed by a real academy.
Quantity | Price |
4 or more students | 15€ |
8 or more students | 12€ |
25 or more students | 8€ |
50 or more students | 5€ |
Get in touch with us in order to apply the discounts. We work for all kinds of associations, companies, and organizations in Europe.
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A food handler is any person who has direct contact with food both in the workplace and at home, during its different phases: processing, preparation, packaging, manufacture, transformation, service, storage, sale, transport, distribution and supply.
However, it is only in the workplace where it is necessary to have a training that guarantees knowledge of the food safety processes that keep food healthy.
It is important to understand that such knowledge is not exclusive to the professional environment, but is also applicable in domestic environments.
The Food Hygiene Certificate is a certificate issued by a educational entity or academy that guarantees that the student has received the necessary training in the field of food safety and, in particular, in food handling. This training consists of learning a series of guidelines and routines to be followed when handling food in order to prevent potential health damage.
Therefore, we can say that the food hygiene certificate entitles a person to handle food in workplaces in a safe way both for him/herself and for other people who are going to consume the food.
If you are going to work in direct or indirect contact with food, then the answer is yes.
The current regulation demands that all those workers considered as food handlers have the necessary training to guarantee the safety of food. Therefore, if you are going to work -directly or indirectly- with food in any of the phases contemplated by the Regulation (practically all of them), then you need to prove the necessary training by means of the food hygiene certificate or some other equivalently accepted training.
Be aware that, in case of inspection or intoxication, failure to demonstrate such training may expose the company to heavy fines and penalties.
All those people who are -directly or indirectly- in contact with food in any of its phases (processing, preparation, packaging, manufacturing, transformation, service, storage, sale, transport, distribution and supply).
It also includes phytosanitary, treatment and feeding of livestock, transport, housing, agricultural production, to the marketing of packaged or unpackaged food, processed or unprocessed, going through all the intermediate processes of handling, processing, packaging, preservation, supply and transport. From direct handling to business management.
Yes. Our online certificate is completely legal and is made according to the current law. In fact, getting your food safety certification online is the most common way to get it today. However, not all courses offered have the same recognition or quality. Some of them are not even accepted by the authorities.
Therefore, we recommend to do this course - like other online courses - only with specialized academies and of recognized trajectory to avoid problems with certificates that are not finally accepted as valid.
In this respect, we can boast of being one of the academies in Spain with the highest number, if not the highest number, of people trained in food handling online, which makes us the reference academy for obtaining the food handler certificate online. This also offers guarantees for the authorities that few other academies can offer. In fact, we are usually recommended by them.
First of all, it is important to remark that our course includes training on high risk labors (direct contact with food).
With that said, the main difference between a low-risk and a high-risk food hygiene certification is that the high-risk one allows you to work in direct contact with food, whereas the low-risk one does not.
This way, our certificate offers you training in food safety to work as a waiter, cook, baker, pastry chef, pastry chef, butcher, fishmonger, etc. In other words, all those jobs where there is direct contact with food. Also indicate that the level of risk is also known as higher or lower risk, and not just high or low risk.
The system is really accessible and consists of 3 simple steps. Just read the lessons, take the food handler test and, once approved, request your certificate by indicating your personal details.
You will then receive your certificate instantly (along with the diploma and the card) in your email so that you can print them out as many times as you need. In addition, you will also receive the certificate by regular mail, if you wish.
It is important to underline that the course is presented in comfortable summaries with which to learn the key points of each lesson. However, on the page of each lesson you will find complete information to answer your questions. Finally, you can also download the full manual in PDF format for your reference. All this material is completely free of charge. No registration required either.
The Food Hygiene Certificate no longer has a mandatory expiration period. However, it is common practice for academies to recommend renewal every few years, usually 4 years. This is because of changes in the regulation and it is the only way to be sure to comply with regulation. Otherwise, the certification could be considered as expired.
In fact, an "old" certification can be considered a neglicence in a possible inspection, since it does not include part of the information required by current regulations, such as, training on the Food Information Law (Allergens) requirements (included in our course).
In this regard, and even though we do not set the certificate as expired after a given period of time, we do maintain the standard set by the previous regulation, that specifically set a period of validity of 4 years for the certificate. We understand this is a safe period of time.
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