Where can I take the Food Handler Certification training?
02/09/2021The food handler's card is obtained after taking a specific course for this purpose and after passing the exam that guarantees the appropriate performance.
Current regulations, both national and European, are very clear: the training received - which is compulsory - must be able to be accredited in an irrefutable way. This is where the food handler's card or certificate comes into play, and this is the accreditation that the regulations in force usually require.
Both the training and its accreditation are obtained from specialised training academies, different entities (administration, town councils, etc) and sometimes are also provided by the contracting companies themselves if they have the appropriate means. In any case, it is important to choose a reputable company with experience and a solid track record, so that the certificate or card is not only legally valid, but also provides us with an extra prestige that enhances the labor value of the certificate.
Here's why it's necessary, what jobs it's needed for and how to get yours:
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Why it is necessary to have a food handler's card?
Regulation 852/2004 states that workers in the food and beverage industry must receive training appropriate to the job they are going to perform and that this training must be accredited by them.
The accreditation referred to in the regulations is the food handler's card or certificate. This training can make the difference between receiving or not receiving a sanction from the administration. In the case of an inspection or, even worse, in the case of a possible food-hygiene accident, such as a food poisoning.
Needless to say that, with proper food handling, as explained when taking the food handler course, food-hygiene accidents are reduced significantly . It represents a fundamental measure for all of us: consumers. In this sense, companies do not usually play with their prestige or with the health of their customers and consumers, so when hiring staff for these tasks, they put special emphasis on their training.
Jobs where you need the food handler card
All those activities that have to do with food, directly or indirectly , need qualified and accredited personnel for their normal development and, therefore, they need it.
This means that all the processes from agricultural production to transport, storage, production, cooking and even serving a dish in a restaurant. For all of them, the food handler's card or certificate is required. Of course, all intermediate activities not listed above are also included.
How to get you food handler's card
The food handler card is obtained after taking the specific course and passing the relevant examination. This is done in specialized training companies and, nowadays, is usually carried out online. This is a great advantage, as professionals can make the most of their time to complete the course as they need it. In addition, is usually cheaper and faster than doing it in person.
Once you have studied the course and passed the online exam, you will be asked to be accredited according to the indications shown by the online platform. An additional advantage of doing it online is that the platform is available 24 hours a day and every day of the year. With us, in fact, you receive your certificate instantly once you pass the exam.
This accreditation is valid throughout the national territory and for an indefinite period, although the knowledge must be renewed depending on the activity performed, the needs of the professional and if there are any relevant changes in the Regulations.
In Coformacion we are specialized in this course, being one of the references of the sectorboth for its ease and simplicity and for the prestige of many years of experience. Our training material is constantly updated to meet the needs of both the market and the regulations.
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